I hate it when people say "stuff". I try to use it minimally. When a prof. says "stuff", I cringe. When a student gives an answer that includes "stuff", I judge their intelligence. I think I have blogged about this before, don't feel like finding it...
Rewind, I bring this up because we were reviewing a test in GIS and a student kept on saying "stuff" for everything. For example "all the stuff is referenced to an ellipsoid model" The stuff you are referring to are points. Datum to be exact. Datum that make up a Geographic Coordinate System that are referenced to a specific ellipsoid model. Not "STUFF"! Shapefiles, Geodatabases, x & y coordinates, and map projections are all their proper names. They are not "stuff".
\/\/\/\/\ Anyways, here's the stuff...
OK, got it. When I work and actually get a little more spending money, going to get some Toms Shoes and a wool cycling hat for winter. Why not put these items on a Christmas list, you ask? Knowing my family, they won't justify spending $25 for a little wool hat and $80 for boots that look like this. I don't quite know how to explain it, but this is also why I love my family. I like getting Christmas gifts when they are items I actually need and can use often.
11 years ago
1 comment:
Dammit Cody what did I tell you about those boots.
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