Monday, April 6, 2009


It feels amazing to get small little messages like this in your inbox. Made me smile all day. That's why it's been saved in my inbox for a while now.

Ok seriously - u are amazing - u surprise me more and more each day..... and I'm falling for you so hard its crazy.... i can't stop thinking about u and when i look into your eyes- i melt inside. (Sentence omitted). I have faith in this relationship - good things will happen. I've felt so happy these past few months and i honestly think its because of you. You have saved me from so many tears and breakdowns - all you had to do was smile.... you are my sweetie and my Cody and i hope you stay here with me for a long time..... seriously... You are WONDERFUL!

Always,Your Angel ♥

and that's that. Not going to say who it's from. ;)

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