Wednesday, October 28, 2009

love it.

Things that make me smile on the inside...

First off, I found THIS extremely entertaining... (especially the picture with his joyful grin and arrows).

Next, someone really made me smile in the Rec. Center the Monday. I rode one of the stationary bikes, even though I hate them and the awkward position they force you into while riding. I am 6'3" ish. I jacked the seat post up pretty high (to position #11) and tightened the toe straps because I was planning on going pretty hard. After I was done, I hopped on a treadmill behind the bike to stretch out the legs quick.

Then he (I'm going to just assume it was a freshman) walked up to the bike. He was about 5' 2" and very awkward and was looking around nervously. While I was running, he tried to get on the bike that had just been set up for me. Yikes. This poor guy couldn't even reach the pedals and could barely get up on the bike. I wanted to just yell "lower the seat" but I was enjoying watching him too much and figured he would eventually figure it out. This poor fellow awkwardly stood and pedaled on the bike for a few seconds, almost fell off, then just got up and left. I felt bad for a little while. Guess I had a bad case of Schadenfreude :)

Next, it really makes me smile when I see students riding awkwardly small bmx or mountain bikes around campus as a commuter bike. I'm talking about the $80 Next bike at Walmart or the $120 Huffy at K-Mart. LOOK, even the guy on the opening page looks too large for the bike!!!

These bikes are "one size fit's most" but in reality, it doesn't fit the "majority". I chuckle when I see a 6' 5" football player riding an extremely small cheap mountain bike around campus. I applaud the fact that he didn't drive and is using a bicycle as transportation.... but it inevitably makes me smile on the inside. In addition, BMX bikes are good for bmx'ing or whatever it's called. They are not for the 1.5 mile trek around town or to campus. They have the most hideous geometry for long distance riding!!! AND the smallest gear ratio!!! AND like 22" wheels!!!! I would NEVER want to ride that more than 200 yards.

Get a Raleigh Mojave for like $350-400 bucks. Even get a Mongoose or Diamondback commuter or cross rig for $200-300!!! It will be worth it, because you can get YOUR SIZE!!!

or they could build up a nifty single speed rig :) (complete with Pokemon cards like mine!)

You people get me through my day. You all make me smile on the inside.

Although, from browsing Walmart's website, I am tempted to buy one of THESE to hook up to the indoor trainter this winter and put 700x30-32c nobby tires on for the snow.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sick of Sick People....

This will be a 1 paragraph rant, promise.

I'm sick of walking around campus, going to band, or going to class and finding friends and classmates wrapped up in hoodies and sweatpants warning everyone not to touch them because "they are sick" or "they feel sick". I hate you people. I don't want your germs. No one else does. Stay the hell home. Please. If I go to hug you or give you a hand shake, and you utter the phrase "don't come near me, I'm sick" I'm going to tell you to quote "go the hell home" and won't talk to you for at LEAST 24hs. I don't understand people. Everyone is sick, the professors know this, it is ok if you miss a day or two of class. Personally, I would rather spend a day in bed nursing myself than going a week feeling ok/pretty crappy. PLEASE! Use the germ-x hand sanitizers around campus ESPECIALLY around the computer labs.... ok, i'm done.

In conclusion, if you are sick, feel slightly sick, cough A LOT, or all of your roommates have H1N1 and you suddenly have a slight runny nose..... Stay the HELL home.

I am DETERMINED NOT to get SICK this semester!

Winter Energy

So THIS post by a Goat I know (and the upcoming VO2 MAX test) are really motivating me to get better. Close to 90 miles last week. Eating better. Going to the gym. In addition, I plan to ride a lot more outside this winter. Actually, the plan is to go hard for 2 months, then start getting in longer rides when it warms up. Ride inside or outside every day. Dammit, I want a Cat. D Collegiate podium finish! Chop was close last season starting off in D so basically, I have to get as good / better than chop was last year..... oh boy.....

Anyways, does anyone know any good sports drinks? I have been rocking strait Gatorade powder mix and was tempted to get this stuff on bonktown for $7:

but shipping was more than the actual mix, which was depressing. 2 containers = $14. with shipping = $23. I just couldn't do it.

Any other better stuff out there???

Also, after long and hard rides, I have been drinking Whey Protein Shakes with skim milk. Which is better, Whey or Soy protein? Or something different? I have yet to read about the differences.

ps. I'll have pictures taken this Thursday of the VO2 Max test for your enjoyment...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Advice: Don't "Call Out" 6'5" West Chester Football Players....

Homecoming was fun, despite the cold and rain. The football team played West Chester and WON! I actually think we can beat Bloomsburg next week and go to playoffs...
Anyways, at the game, I witnessed unsportsmanlike conduct from the stands. I clearly saw West Chester Linebacker #43 hop out of a pile after a play, turn around, and deliberately kick one of our players while he was on the ground, in the face/chest region. When our player got up and started to fight with #43, he acted like he had done nothing (to avoid a penalty). It was broken up but I was still pissed.

That night, I looked up who #43 was on the WCU Athletics website and found him to be:

Sam Scott, 6'5" 215lb Sr. Linebacker

I searched and found him on facebook and decided to "call him out" about his face kicking incident... I think it wasn't appropriate but done appropriately. (aka, I didn't swear or use obscenities at him) and let's be honest... I had been drinking.

Cody Wertz October 17 at 9:23pm
"I was at the SU/WC football game today and I saw you flat out kick one of our players while he was on the ground under a pile of people. That was a dick thing to do and I can't believe you didn't get a penalty. Who kicks people when they are already on the ground. That is unsportsmanlike and unnecessary.... cheap shot.... "

I chuckled at his inappropriate reaction:

Sam Scott October 18 at 1:45am
"Shut the fuck up..u have no idea what was going on in the game or in piles...u didnt c what he did to mind ur fuckin business and stay in the stands."

He could have conveyed all of this without swearing at me. Let me translate what I thought would have been an appropriate reaction:

"Cody, I formally disagree and would like you to stop saying these things. I would imagine that you aren't a football player if you are sitting in the stands (but I don't really know) so you don't really know what kinds of thing go on in football piles. In addition, you didn't see the inappropriate action of the SU player that merited such an irrational reaction. Personally, I think you shouldn't have jumped to conclusions and attacked me when sitting far away in the stands about actions on the field you don't really experience or know about" Respectfully, Sam

I would have given him a little respect and apologized if I would have received a reply like this...
:) oh, the thins I do to stir up trouble....

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Bonktown wishes....

I ALWAYS see this nifty frame on Bonktown and I want it sooooo bad.
Full Carbon, Great Geometry, Great Graphics, and all under $1000 on Bonktown

Here it is off the website... Quintana Roo is the name, Lucero is the bike. Not too impressed with this setup, or paint job.

Guess I'll keep dreaming.... I'll save my money for a carbon road frame or cross bike.

ps. I need to get my ass out riding. This is ridiculous!!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

Cyclocross Dreams & Star Wars

There is a Star Wars marathon today. I have been so lazy and so unmotivated to do anything today that I have watched 4/6 movies today... I'm blogging then leaving the house.

I helped out at Iron Cross VII yesterday. It was amazing. The worst part about it was I now really want a cross bike. I was the same way last year after the race, and this year made it worse. I was debating getting a cheap touring frame, adding my old triple Shimano Sora parts and adding some nobby tires to an old wheel set. TERRIBLE IDEA. I've learned from my road bike that you can't start cheap. If I am getting a cross bike, I'm doing it the right way. Problem is, the "right way" involves $$$. I don't have $$$. damn.
I am completely impressed with this.....

And when I say impressed, I mean jealous. Some may say this is a little too much. Some may say a little too excessive. cheating??? No, this is awesome and something I would do. I also like the Garmin as well. Declaring a Minor next semester in GIS.... this kind of stuff is fascinating to me. Love it.

Speaking of bikes, saw one of these, liked it...

Saw lots of these....

want one of these (If I have an extra 6k laying around.....YEA RIGHT!!!)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The final final word....


This is the ending of a great movie. If you know the story, you will hopefully correlate that with what's been going on this semester.... a tragic story of revenge, and hopefully it will end the same for me. That's all I will say.

The Final Word...

This is my senior year. I have never been a depressive person, at all. This year, I seriously debated ordering some Prozac multiple times.

I have kind of felt like Caesar (minus the death part). And it has been almost a full year since the stabbing and I still can't get over it. I don't know why. Maybe because everything around me reminds me of it. If you like honey, but get close to a nest of bees and 6 sting you really bad (all at once one the face for dramatic effect), you're not going to keep going over to the nest no matter how much you like honey. My problem is, I go hang out around the nest every single day.

As mentioned before, this is my senior year, and I have come to realize that I don't have to be every one's friend. I've been trying to do that the past 3 years. Especially being DM the last 2, it kind of goes with the job. I (unfortunately) don't really care anymore. My final word is, If you don't like me the way I am, I'm not going to bend to like you, so just stay away and piss off. It's sad to say, because I have made so many close friends over the years, but I don't really care anymore. I might stay in contact with 2 after I graduate anyways...

I will say one thing that may come as a surprise and shock a few people. I am only in band this year for a FEW select reasons.

1. For Brielle, if my girlfriend wasn't in band, I would not be.
2. For the Trumpet Section,.... they keep me sane. Thank You Guys and Girls
3. To go to California. I know the Director of Bands wouldn't pick a person for concert band in the spring if they quit marching band. It's how it works... and I really want to go to CA with the CB and BD.
If the right combo of these criteria were not met by now.... I wouldn't be in Marching Band and Wouldn't Regret It For A Day.

People need to stop telling me "Get Over It", they need to "Get Over" the fact that I will never be over it.
Also, I will go on the record and say I blame exactly 2 people for ruining my senior year. I hate these two people with a fiery passion and I will never forgive them. One I still kinda respect and I have to be nice to, and the other is completely cut out of my life. Not just because of the band thing, It's also because I fight with my girlfriend constantly over trivial things that could have been avoided with the right decision.

This is my final word, you (being the reader) will never hear of this topic again... word.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Farm Colors of Fall....

These pictures are from a ride Wed. with Mr. Jon Marshall. They are good, but they don't incorporate enough green. Green Grass/Golden Brown Corn/Blue Sky. Love. It.

WTF is going on around here....

I don't want to say I'm becoming a scrooge....

but lately the dumbest things have been just pissing me the hell off!

For instance, this has been a long running pet peeve of mine. I hate going into the gas station to pre-pay when using cash. If I want to absolutely fill my tank, I don't know exactly how much gas to put in ahead of time, let alone the amount. What happened to faith that people will pay when they are done. Hey gas chains, there's a neat invention called VIDEO-CAMERAS! If someone steals gas, then blow up their license plate on some cool computer program that does that shit. So, I refuse to pay cash at stations that require this. If I only have cash and no cards, I guess my stubborn ass will be driving around lot looking for a respectable gas station.

that was long a long winded rant... thank you for your attention to this point.

NEXT, I got screwed at Hoss's. Apparently the "regular" portion means you want double and want to pay 3.50 more. The price listed said nothing about it being the "light" portion. I was pissed off, a lot, but didn't let the little Asian man catch on as I was interrogating him. Thus, I will never eat at a Hoss's again.

Finally. My last post (see below) prompted me to rent Children of the Corn. All I have to say is,

Dear Blockbuster,



All I wanted was this stupid movie. First, nothing was alphabetized correctly. Not even a resemblance of an alphabetization scheme. Next, you didn't have it... granted, the cute blonde working the counter was very helpful, but none the less; you didn't have the original. You DID have part II and a 2005 attempt at a remake, but why would someone want to rent these without the original. *frustrated sigh* Anyways, I moved on. I then asked for Deliverance which was out last time I was in. Blockbuster had it!!! As I was rummaging through the mess called the action section, the pretty blonde informed me that it was only on BlueRay. I was thinking, "go to hell" but what came out was "Oh, that's ok, have a good day". On the way out, the door reminded me that a rental was ~$5. Ridiculous. I cut my losses and left.

Instead of enjoying a movie and snacking on Hoss's left overs, I'm at home ranting. What a week.

Band Weekend From HELL is approaching. Don't expect a post for at least a week.

Fall Rides: Nice Colors, Creepy Corn

Yesterday and today, I went on two brisk fall rides. LOVE IT. Winter can delay itself all it wants. I've been riding more in wooded areas but the last two days I have been out in the farm country. I love the colors; the greens against the tan of the corn beneath the blue of the sky. Yesterday looked amazing (hopefully pics. soon).

One thing. On today's ride, I was alone and literally... I DIDN'T SEE ANYONE! NO ONE. I'm not joking. I was 45 minutes on farm roads out past Fish Hatchery and I didn't see one farmer. Not one person plowing, not one person hanging laundry, not one person cutting grass or even getting the mail. IT WAS CREEPY!!! I only saw 2 dogs and a few cars speeding by.

The absence of life and abundance of dead corn (along with the fact I was alone) made me feel like I had just entered this movie...... anyone else ever get this feeling riding aroun ship farmlands???