Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Final Word...

This is my senior year. I have never been a depressive person, at all. This year, I seriously debated ordering some Prozac multiple times.

I have kind of felt like Caesar (minus the death part). And it has been almost a full year since the stabbing and I still can't get over it. I don't know why. Maybe because everything around me reminds me of it. If you like honey, but get close to a nest of bees and 6 sting you really bad (all at once one the face for dramatic effect), you're not going to keep going over to the nest no matter how much you like honey. My problem is, I go hang out around the nest every single day.

As mentioned before, this is my senior year, and I have come to realize that I don't have to be every one's friend. I've been trying to do that the past 3 years. Especially being DM the last 2, it kind of goes with the job. I (unfortunately) don't really care anymore. My final word is, If you don't like me the way I am, I'm not going to bend to like you, so just stay away and piss off. It's sad to say, because I have made so many close friends over the years, but I don't really care anymore. I might stay in contact with 2 after I graduate anyways...

I will say one thing that may come as a surprise and shock a few people. I am only in band this year for a FEW select reasons.

1. For Brielle, if my girlfriend wasn't in band, I would not be.
2. For the Trumpet Section,.... they keep me sane. Thank You Guys and Girls
3. To go to California. I know the Director of Bands wouldn't pick a person for concert band in the spring if they quit marching band. It's how it works... and I really want to go to CA with the CB and BD.
If the right combo of these criteria were not met by now.... I wouldn't be in Marching Band and Wouldn't Regret It For A Day.

People need to stop telling me "Get Over It", they need to "Get Over" the fact that I will never be over it.
Also, I will go on the record and say I blame exactly 2 people for ruining my senior year. I hate these two people with a fiery passion and I will never forgive them. One I still kinda respect and I have to be nice to, and the other is completely cut out of my life. Not just because of the band thing, It's also because I fight with my girlfriend constantly over trivial things that could have been avoided with the right decision.

This is my final word, you (being the reader) will never hear of this topic again... word.


Anonymous said...
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Cody said...

I deleted the last comment (which I usually never do) because it said "Get Over It".

I clearly stated in my blog that I am sick of hearing that exact phrase... so why would you say it in a comment.

ppl are dumb