Tuesday, March 24, 2009

>>> Done Vida <<<

I donated blood today. It was horrendously nerve racking... for nothing. I get a little queasy around blood coming out of my body... and other peoples, so I guess that's what stopped me these years. Not the pain, I've done worse to myself (no, I'm not a cutter, just clumsy sometimes). Such a big build up for the end result. Matt, my nurse? was awesome, thanks to him for "striking oil" the first time. Overall, I'm a little disappointed in myself for not donating earlier in life... to save a life. (Ps. Kevin Watkins, I hate you for telling me horror stories before I went). Special thanks to a lovely lady for being there for me. ;) you know who you are! It meant a lot, thank you.

I urge everyone to donate blood when you get the chance, it may be a little prick and bruise, but the person getting that blood is probably going to be in much worse shape than you.

Also brings up the question... do you think anyone has ever given blood then went to the E.R. and got their own blood put back in them? That would be crazy.

Become an Organ Doner too...

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