Thursday, March 26, 2009

Why "Running in the Rain"

Why the title "Running in the Rain" for my blog. These pictures may explain...

Now, this is a partial view out the back window of my tiny apartment. I like it. You can't see the rain that came today or the cool stone wall along the bottom. I like looking out and seeing nature and trees. Campus dorms are boring and city scenery is depressing sometimes.

So, the pictures don't do my wet-ness justice. I was soaked, because for the first time in months it has been warm enough to go running out in the rain. I don't know what it is, it's just... fun. Try it sometime. The harder the rain, the better. Just let your stress wash away and have fun. Don't worry about getting wet. Get some exercise. I guess you could say (if you are one of those philosophers who pry deep into things) sometimes we all need to just go out and "run in the rain". Just get away and do something random and unexpected.

There, that's not exactly what I wanted to say, but it will do. So don't ask, just run.

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